especially after reading her interview on the latest UK VOGUE:
"She's been doing the model rounds for ten years, since she was 15, but says that even back when she was 16 and in Paris, drugs weren't a problem. "I'd already tried everything in Holland. Anyway, I never wanted to be that model on drugs, the sort who gives head for a line of coke."
She does, however, have a weak spot for food.
"If I could have the discipline to be super-skinny, I would be. I think of dieting, then I eat pizza. I'm a woman, and every woman wants to be skinnier — unfortunately."
But she doesn't mind going topless all the time for magazines.
"Everyone's seen them. My girlfriends love them — they play with them!"
She's concerned about her future — she doesn't want to act or design.
"I lie in bed at night and worry about what comes next. I'm not sure I have any other talents."
And thinks she has men trouble.
"Men don't like me. I haven't been on a date for six months. I've just started a club with a girlfriend called the We Hate Men But We Can't Be Gay Club."
But she likes to be mean to men.
"I figure out what they hate most, and then I do lots and lots of that."
If she doesn't wear a designer, it may be because she hates them.
"I shouldn't be wearing these shoes. Because I hate the designer and never wear people I hate."
And don't get in her way at a show — one Belgian model now knows that.
"I kept saying 'Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me,' because I had to get to the catwalk, but she just kept posing. So I pushed her. It was only a few stairs." "
And I'm normally not a fan of girls with big bossoms.
Ahaha this is such a great interview. "I've just started a club with a girlfriend called the We Hate Men But We Can't Be Gay Club."
Love Lara.