1. The ultra glam-chic sequin embroided Lanvin jumpsuit, retailed at ~ $ 15K (!!!) which I LOVED instantly when I saw the show (tacky me hoho :D):

2. Rick Owen's beautiful goddess draped dress, although I'm more interested in the gold cuffs, so gothic chic no?

3. Despite the ultra harsh reviews, Lindsay Lohan directed 'high fashion' *coughs* brand Ungaro still managed to produce some wearable pieces with a (comparatively) decent price tags:

Of course there were pieces that made me roll my eyes and scratch my head, like this hooker fabuleux Balmain sequin ripped dress:

The worst has got to be this:

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but did the price tag say AUD 1315 ?!! PUH LEASE, in this recession time who would pay that much a for train wrecky (American Apparel inspired) t shirt? I might as well go down the road, ask some homeless man for his tshirt, put a Balmain tag on it and still look better!
So ....
theres artfully distressed and theres just plain wrong. In my oppinion the ksubi laser cut ones were 1000x better for a tenth of the price...