so when did it all start? I can't exactly say when, but i guess it was when i was about 5-6, one time i opened the local newspaper and saw an amazing red dress in the tiny fashion corner. In my head now i can still remember exactly what it looked like. Was it valentino a lot of people have asked me? may be, since i couldn't really read viet at the time let alone foreign designer names. The dress was kinda like a mix of this...
and this ....

but in red which to a lot of people seem quite plain and simple, but that was really the item that had me going 'hey i wanna make sumthing like that too'.
i remember getting soo much joy just sitting at home cutting out and drawing outfits for this...
, while other kids were playing all kinds of physical activities outside and my mum would start wondering if i had sum kind of disease and started sending me to this...
. Now those who know me well can just laugh their asses off picturing me in a martial arts class, while to those who don't know me that well, let's just say it kinda looked like this ..
SO until u spot my fugly face on wwd, baboosh! lol jk :).
~dee ha~
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