I'm glad Paris fashion week is finally here because London, Newyork and Milan were such big messes! Enough with long lame "inspiration explaining" excuses for ugly clothes *i'm looking at you miuccia*, I knew my tacky heart would sure be filled once Paris came.

One of the most anticipated shows in Paris over the past few seasons has got to be the "Balmain" show. I'm quite certain the moment I mention the B word, I'll have half the room of fashionistas screaming in ecstacy, while the other half would be the Chanel wearing b*$##$es gagulating.
Whether you like it or not, you've got to give props to Christopher Decarnin for ruling the fashion party crowds for almost a few years now. What I admire about him is seasons after seasons, it's a continuous process of development/evolution. The identity is always there, in the vainest, most vulgar, some might say, way of expression.

One critical factor in the success of Balmain has got to be the tremendous support from th Vogue Paris team. Carine Roitfeld put it on the fashion map, Emmanuelle Alt became the living Balmain muse. The rest is, well, history. It to me is almost like a de javu of the super powerful trio Carine Roitfeld/Tom Ford/Testino back in the 90s, early 00s, the authority of style that if you would have to be extremely oblivious to not notice had you lived in that era.

The similarities are there, though there are subtle differences. First of all is the target customer. The Tom Ford Gucci is Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, while the Balmain is, uhm, the 20yo version of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct (perhaps her daughter, though would someone like that have a daughter?). Both are the kind of women that exude sexuality. They're the kind of women so vain, so dangerously provocative that the moment they walk into the room, men fire up with lust and the other women, well you know what women do when they see hot girls walking into the room, they envy subtly while calling them "sl*ts".

The second similarity is the kind of consistency in aesthetics that both designers share. Both Decarnin and Ford's designs do not change 180 degrees season after season, but would rather stay as a modified versions of the same aesthetics. Some people call it boring repetition, I say if it's the winning formula, why bother seeking for a change? Mind you, 10 years at Gucci, Tom Ford took over the fashion world with the same provocative aesthetics, and glamourised monogrammed Gucci thongs (which I did very secretly loved :P). Back to Balmain, I'm much more lustful of this season compared to the trashy military themed spring summer one. You know why? Because it combines three of my most favourite things in the world: tackiness, gold and napoleon.

Hate all you want, I say bravo Decarnin, long live the big shoulders.